Monday 8 July 2013

Analysis of a music video; Two Door Cinema Club- Something good can work

Two Door Cinema Club // Something good can work

Camera shots

They use close ups in this video to capture all of the bands facial expressions whilst they are singing. It uses a lot of wide shots, as they show us the band singing and playing their instruments whilst also letting us see the setting they are in. So allowing us to see all of the background too. They use cut-ins which are showing us them playing their instruments in detail, so we can see their hands physically playing the guitars. It includes the weather shot too, so we can see what kind of day it is, in this video its sunny and happy type of weather which links in with what kind of song they are singing. Another shot they do is a point of view shot, as parts of the camera is when they are walking and its from their point of view so we can see what they can see and it kind of lets us feel how they do at that point.

Camera movements

The camera movements they use in this music video is a hand held movement, at the begging when they are jumping into the pool we can see that somehow the camera is attached to their body and sometimes they are holding it themselves, so we its a hand held movement. They also use a follow movement, as there is one part where they are walking and the camera is capturing their feet following them as they walk down the street. They also use a tilt movement quite frequently, as they have the camera on a high tilt, looking downwards on them, so we can see them head and then below them, it shows us a lot in a unique way. They also show one of the men pushing the camera making it spin really fast which then leads to merging into another scene.


The editing they have used in this music video are jump cuts, this is when it constantly throughout the video, jumps from the setting and what's happening to then the band and them singing. The pace of the editing is matched perfectly with the beat of the music, for example, in this video when a fast beat happens at the end of the verses, the camera moves with the incredible fast beat that you can hardly see what's going on, yet it matched very nicely with the music.


This video also uses sound dubbing, where they shoot all of the clips and then add the music to the different clips they videoed. The band are also lip syncing in this video. The video is just the music and vocals, which is what most videos include. This also includes diegetic sounds, by when he jumps in the water, you here the sound of the water. 


This video, the lighting that is used throughout the music video is natural lighting as all of it is shot outside, so they didn't have to use any artificial lighting. The day they shot their video was mainly sunny so this lets the sunlight shine on their face so we can still see them clearly it just so happens to be natural lighting. 


The main props they use in this music video is the bands instruments, as when they are walking we can tell that the camera is attached to the guitar, so it gives a good view of the guitar. Other props that they use the most are the the micro phone that he sings in. But other than that its just the instruments that we see in this music video. 


The costumes they wear in this music video are the clothes that they would wear on a day to day basis, this shows they are being themselves. The clothes are natural colours which shows they are an alternatives genre which links to what genre their music is. 

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