As in our video, it involves us travelling around a, we will need may locations to get the effect we are aiming for, these are the locations that we want;
- House
- Train station
- On the train
- Estate
- Crowded town
- Long roads
One of the main scenes that will be shown in our music video is the train station, we want a misty, gloomy feel to it as it will link into the way that she's feeling at that moment. We want good shots of trains and the way she's travelling because its her getting away from the place that she has bad memories in. When shes on the train we want her to be longing out the window, so we can see shes desperate to be somewhere else, we want the shot to be of hr side of her face and part of the window and the scenery so we can feel kind of what shes feeling too.
This is also another scene idea that we had in mind. This helps to show that the weather is changing over several days which again, helps the audience to realise that she is travelling for a long period of time. The dark effect that we are aiming for is just how this image shows. We want some shots of the main character walking through open spaces with a lonely road like this picture suggests. Having the rain drops on the camera lens, this is creating the handheld camera feel that we are trying to make during her travelling sequence of the music video. We think by having open spaces with just her in the scene it shows her loneliness.